Siemens nets Yamal LNG power plant maintenance contract

Project & Tenders

German engineering giant Siemens secured a contract for the maintenance of the equipment at the power plant supplying electricity to the Novatek-operated Yamal LNG facilities in the Russian Arctic.

According to a statement by the Siemens’ Russian unit, the company will provide maintenance services for the entire duration of the LNG project.

Under the contract, Siemens would also provide training of the customer’s personnel, it said. The remote monitoring of the eight 47 MW turbines will be conducted from the Moscow offices.

Siemens did not reveal the value of the deal.

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak was reported in February as saying the $27 billion Yamal LNG’s plant was around 88 percent complete.

The LNG project in the Yamal peninsula in Siberia is expected to produce a total of 16.5 million tons of LNG per year, with the first cargo expected to be sent before October this year.

Shareholders in the Yamal LNG project are Novatek, as the operator with a 50.1 percent stake, CNPC and Total with a 20 percent stake each and China’s Silk Road Fund with a 9.9 percent stake.


LNG World News Staff