South Korea: Sungdong to Build 10 Bulk Carriers

Business & Finance

Sungdong Shipbuilding to Build 10 Bulk Carriers

After last week’s successful naming and delivery ceremony of TEN’s two fully-coated DP2 shuttle tankers, Sungdong Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering has won orders from two Greek shipowners to build 10 bulk carriers in total.

The first order for three plus one option comes from Alcyon Shipping with the second one coming from Marmaras Navigation and includes four bulk carriers plus two options.

As Seatrade-global reports, the new bulkers will be incorporated with a ‘Green’ Ultra Long Stroke type engine to boost the efficiency of propellers and reduce fuel consumption by 10-15% compared to existing vessel types.

The contracts for the construction of vessels are estimated to be worth around $ 500 million.

World Maritime News Staff, March 18, 2013