Illustration/CETO wave energy array (Courtesy of Carnegie Clean Energy)

Spain backs Carnegie with €1.2M for CETO wave energy device deployment

Business Developments & Projects

The Spanish government has awarded €1.2 million to Carnegie Clean Energy’s AGUAMARINA project to enhance and extend the deployment of its CETO wave energy device at Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) in the Basque Country.

Illustration/CETO wave energy array (Courtesy of Carnegie Clean Energy)

The funding has been granted to Carnegie Clean Energy’s Spanish subsidiary Carnegie Technologies Spain, as part of the country’s first competitive call of the Renamrinas Demos Program, which funds marine renewable energy projects in Spain.

The supported AGUAMARINA project will extend and enhance the deployment of CETO in Spain, and according to Carnegie, it complements the recently awarded €3.75m EuropeWave contract to manufacture, deploy and operate its CETO technology at BiMEP for a year.

This additional funding will enable the company to deliver an improved CETO deployment at BiMEP, engage with additional stakeholders and enable the project to meet enhanced technical and commercial objectives aligned with the CETO commercialization pathway.

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Aside from extended CETO’s operational period, the funding will also contribute to the development of the company’s enhanced wave prediction capabilities, development of new infrastructure for the test site, and boost engagement with local companies.

Jonathan Fiévez, Carnegie’s CEO, said: “We’re very grateful for this support from the Spanish government to build upon our EuropeWave ACHIEVE project. It makes sense to enhance this platform and amplify the value being generated.

“We see the longer operational window and additional collaboration with BiMEP creating additional opportunities to not only improve CETO and de-risk the activities but also to contribute more broadly to the marine energy sector, especially in Spain.

“We’re already underway with the ACHIEVE project but we’ll continue to seek ways to ensure the core project delivers more value through enhancement and extension. What our team is achieving with this technology and the pathway toward commercialization is now being recognized internationally. This award is yet another validation of what we’re developing and how it can be applied to achieve the target of a clean energy future.”

Managed by Spain’s IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía), the Renmarinas Demos Program is promoting the investment in marine renewables actions through four key subprograms.

The program follows the main strategic lines of action identified in the recent roadmap for the development of offshore wind and marine energy in Spain, targeting 40-60 MW of marine energy deployment by 2030, and is supported by NextGenerationEU funds via the Spanish Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience).

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