Stabilizing Dunes at Merimbula’s Main Beach

Business & Finance

Bega Valley Shire Council is working to stabilize dunes and infrastructure at the northern end of Merimbula’s Main Beach as large ocean swells continue to play havoc, heavily eroding the beach between Mitchies Jetty and Ford Park.  

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Director, Community, Environment and Planning, Alice Howe, said that movement of sand was a natural process, with sand moving offshore during storm events and back on shore during calmer weather.

She also added that the Council was working to implement erosion control and sand stabilization measures including taking steps to protect the viewing platform and the access track and to prevent further slumping of the lower section of eroded dune scarp.

“Last weekend’s large and powerful swells heavily impacted the area and the protection work that had been done to date.  Crews are continuing to work with a mix of sand bags, coir logs and fallen vegetation as a short-term measure to help stabilize the dune from waves and wind, encourage sand deposition and protect infrastructure on the beach; in particular the viewing platform at the northern end of the beach,” said Dr Howe.

“We now need to wait for sand to start to accumulate again and an increase in beach width before we can get in there and do any additional works,” concluded Dr Howe.