Stril Server to Support Van Oord’s Gabon Project

Business & Finance

Simon Møkster Shipping’s multi purpose support vessel (MPSV), Stril Server, has won a new contract with Van Oord Offshore for diving services for its Gamba Sealine Replacement Project offshore Gabon.

Van Oord was contracted by Shell Gabon, in November last year, for the replacement of a dual 10 km long oil export line which runs from the Gamba terminal, 200 NM south of Port of Gentil, to a pipeline end manifold (PLEM).

According to Simon Møkster, a 3-months firm contract, with 8 weeks of options, is scheduled to start in late December in Gabon.

The 85 meters long vessel, owned by Krunborg Offshore, is a development of the Stril Explorer and was built at Simek in Flekkefjord in 2014.

Previous to this award, Stril Server secured a 10-weeks contract with 5×1 weeks options to work in the Dutch sector for Acta Marine.

Subsea World News Staff