UK: NMOHSC, Chamber of Shipping and RMT Release Guidelines for Passenger Ships

UK - NMOHSC, Chamber of Shipping and RMT Release Guidelines for Passenger Ships

The National Maritime Occupational Health & Safety Committee (NMOHSC), comprising the Chamber of Shipping and maritime unions Nautilus International and RMT, released guidelines to shipping companies on violence, aggression, verbal abuse and threats against staff on passenger ships.

The parties to the NMOHSC believe that all staff, contractors and passengers on board any ship have the right to work and travel in an environment that is free of verbal and physical intimidation. Regrettably, in spite of the best efforts of companies, the possibility of such occurrences can never be dismissed. Today’s guidelines aim to assist shipping companies, particularly those providing passenger services, in dealing with such instances.

The guidelines suggest policies to be adopted, deals with issues around the sale and consumption of alcohol, and outline the law, master’s powers and how to liaise with police.

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World Maritime News Staff, March 1, 2012; Image: British-shipping