Wasambo Drilling Program Starts (Indonesia)

Wasambo Gas Wells Drilling Program Starts

Energy World Corporation announced the commencement, by its wholly owned subsidiary Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) (EEES), of the Wasambo Drilling Program within the Sengkang PSC (which consists of the Walanga, Sampi Sampi and Bonge gas fields).

The Wasambo Drilling Program was previously approved by SKKMigas’ predecessor, BPMigas, the Indonesian gas regulator and supervising body of upstream oil and gas activities under a plan of development in June 2011.

The Wasambo Drilling Program commenced at 13:30 (Jakarta time) on 18 September 2013 when the Walanga #2 Twinning Well was spudded. The program involves drilling four gas production wells, being: Sampi Sampi #1 Twinning, Walanga #1 Twinning, Walanga #2 Twinning and Walanga #3, and is expected to take three months and complete around mid- December 2013. Each of the wells will target the Tacipi formation at a total depth of 2,600 feet.

The gas from these wells will provide initial feedstock gas for Sengkang Modular LNG Project. Also, information obtained from the Wasambo drilling program will be provided to petroleum consultants who will utilise it to re-evaluate and provide a competent persons update on the company’s gas reserves in Wasambo.

In addition to the Wasambo Drilling Program, the Company is currently awaiting the results of a seismic program completed earlier this year in other locations within the Sengkang PSC that will identify the next drilling prospects and is expected to further define additional gas reserves. The 2D seismic program was completed in April 2013 by PT. Kharisma Geophysical Bumiputra assisted by PT. Bimayudha Utama Putera. A total of 226.5 km of surface coverage was surveyed in the acquisition which consisted of 37 seismic lines that were laid on four separate sub-blocks: Tosora, Minyak Tanah, Walanga and Sallo Bullo.

During the operation, 3,566 shot-holes were drilled with a cumulative depth of approximately 84,359 meters. The data acquired 3,554 seismic profiles or 99.83% of the preliminary programme (3,560 SP). Based on initial evaluation, Energy World Corporation  says the most likely favorable drillable prospects are North Minyak Tanah and Tosora.

LNG World News Staff, September 20, 2013; Image: EWC