ABS, HD KSOE and HD HHI team up on MVDC power systems for ships

Business Developments & Projects

American class society ABS and South Korean shipbuilder HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) and its affiliate HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on the technical feasibility of medium-voltage direct current (MVDC) power systems for ships.

Courtesy of ABS

As explained, the agreement opens the door to collaboration on design assessment, new technology qualification as well as the development of rule guidance to provide clear directives on technical requirements, safety standards and regulatory compliance.

“We are proud to partner once again with HD KSOE and HHI. Our companies are equally focused on the safety of the maritime industry while supporting a smooth transition to clean energy. Alternative energy options, particularly electrification, are needed to help the shipping industry achieve net zero by 2050,” Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, commented.

“For the electrification/unmanning of large ships and ship systems, marine MVDC technology is essential, not optional, and we have successfully developed a low-voltage direct current power system (LVDC) in many projects, including the Ulsan Taehwa. Based on our experience in delivery, we will lead the large ship electric propulsion market by expanding our technology to the MVDC power system,” Byoung-Hun Kwon, head of HD KSOE Electrification Center, said.

This is the latest stage in a long-running program of collaboration between the organizations, with ABS supporting HHI on ammonia carriers, autonomous navigation and green hydrogen production.

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