ABS to Class FSRU for Turkey’s BOTAS

Business & Finance

Classification society ABS received a contract to class a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for Turkey’s oil and gas pipeline operator BOTAS.

Image by WMN

To be built at South Korea’s shipbuilder Hyundai Heavy Industries, the FSRU will have a 170,000 cubic meter storage capacity and a 1,000 MMSCFD LNG discharge capacity.

It will be jetty moored off the coast of Turkey and operated by Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL). The unit will be classed using the ABS Guide for Building and Classing LNG Regasification Vessels.

“As demand for gas has increased over the last decade, the supply chain has had to adapt and figure out new ways of getting gas to expanding markets,”  Jamie Smith, ABS Senior Vice President and Chief Business Development Officer, said.

“FSRUs, like this one for Turkey, are providing gas distributors and suppliers an efficient and effective solution for getting their product to consumers.”