Apply for Blue-GIFT 2nd Call by End-April

Authorities & Government

The Blue-GIFT (Blue Growth and Innovation Fast Tracked) project 2nd call for applications for ocean energy demonstration will close on the 30th of April 2020.

Applications can benefit from an early assessment if the test plan requires a starting date on Q1 & Q2 2020.

This project is funded by Interreg Atlantic Area with objective to provide access to real sea environment test facilities for the next generation of marine renewable energy and to accelerate progress towards a net zero carbon future.

The project consortium, opened the 2nd Call (second of three calls) for Applications in January this year for access to test sites in the four test sites in the Atlantic Area region specifically Portugal, Northern Spain, Western France and Canary Islands.

Ruari Brooker, Blue-GIFT project manager at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), said: “The Blue-GIFT project represents a unique opportunity to gain access to world leading marine renewable energy test facilities and expertise. To any technology developers approaching the stage of real sea prototype tests, I would strongly recommend to get in touch to find out how the Blue-GIFT project can accelerate your development.”

Which test centres can you apply to?

BiMEP (wave and floating wind) in the Basque Country, Spain;
PLOCAN (wave and floating wind) in Gran Canaria, Spain;
SEENEOH (hydrokinetic and tidal) in Bordeaux, France;
WavEC (wave and floating wind test centre) in Aguçadoura, Portugal.

While not open for applications within the Blue-GIFT programme, the project consortium also includes three additional ocean energy test facilities who will support the project with technical expertise gained from running the Interreg North-West Europe FORESEA programme:

EMEC (wave and tidal) in Orkney, UK (Blue-GIFT lead partner);
SmartBay Ireland (wave and floating wind) from Galway, Ireland;
Centrale Nantes / SEM-REV (wave and floating wind) in Nantes, France.