Babcock Wins Maritime Constructive Contract from Royal Navy

Business & Finance

Babcock Gets Manufacturer Contract from Royal Navy

Babcock has been awarded a four year contract by the UK MoD for the manufacture, supply, repair and provision of technical services for maritime constructive engineering equipment for all Royal Navy ships and submarines.

Under the £11m+ contract Babcock will supply a core project management service to procure and manage the supply, repair and refurbishment of a range of maritime constructive equipment for ships and submarines – including lifting and handling, mooring, anchoring, upper deck safety, observation equipment, refuel at sea (RAS) equipment, and more. The company will also provide engineering support, technical assistance and post-design service activities on a Task Approval Form (TAF) basis.

In delivering this contract, which covers a wide variety of equipment types from small and inexpensive to large, highly complex and regulated items, from a range of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), Babcock will be drawing on its extensive experience in managing complex supply chains. Being OEM independent, the company is able to work with any OEM as necessary to meet the customer’s requirements, and will procure and deliver existing military off-the-shelf (MOTS) and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology from a range of OEMs.

In the case of the lifting equipment and equipment regulated by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance (LRQA), Babcock’s established processes for product quality and supplier assessments also allow the customer to be confident of receiving the high quality items required. Moreover, with its extensive knowledge of warships and submarines Babcock offers a deep and valuable knowledge and understanding of the equipment, how it will be used, and the environment in which it is expected to operate, helping to ensure that the requirements are effectively met.

The core provision of the project management service will be developed from the Babcock’s existing equipment support, procurement and fulfilment infrastructure which already enables the company to deliver a number of similar contracts.

Commenting on the contract award Babcock Defence Systems Technology Managing Director, Jeff Lewis, said: “We are delighted to have secured this contract, and have a number of key strengths to offer that will enable us to deliver the service and quality required to meet the MoD and Royal Navy’s needs for this wide range of equipment.

Paul Vosper, Team Leader for Maritime Equipment Systems (MES) within the MoD’s Defence, Equipment and Support organisation said: “Securing ongoing purchase, manufacture, repair and technical services activity for maritime constructive equipment is vital for continued support to operations. This contract will enable DE&S to develop strategic relationships with Babcock and to sustain the delivery of essential mission critical services to the required quality and performance whilst achieving demonstrable value-for-money for the taxpayer.

Babcock International, March 19, 2013