BC Ferries

BC Ferries Looking for Builders of Five New Ferries

Business & Finance

 Canadian ferry owner and operator BC Ferries has issued Requests for Expressions of Interest (RFEOI) for the procurement of five new vessels to replace its aging fleet.

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The bidding process is open to local, national and international shipyards, including consortia, and BC Ferries encouraged local and national companies to bid on these projects.

The company is looking to build four 81-metre Island Class ferries, each with a capacity of 450 passengers and 47 vehicles. The expected delivery date for the first two of these vessels is in 2020, followed by two more ships in 2021.

The second RFEOI is for the construction of one 107-metre Salish Class vessel with a capacity of 600 passengers and 138 vehicles. The expected delivery date for this vessel is in 2021.

Two Island Class vessels are currently under construction and three Salish Class ships joined the fleet last year. BC Ferries holds the design rights to both classes of vessels, which will be provided to shipyards.

“The Island Class ships will be electric hybrid propulsion, including batteries, and the Salish Class will be fueled with natural gas,” said Mark Wilson, BC Ferries’ Vice President of Strategy and Community Engagement.

“These new clean-tech vessels will reduce our carbon emissions, helping the province achieve its greenhouse gas reduction targets, and have the added benefit of reducing the amount of underwater radiated noise we produce.”

The five new ships will replace the Bowen Queen, Mayne Queen and Powell River Queen, which will allow for the redeployment of some assets around the fleet.

The next step in the tender process will be a Request for Pre-Qualifications, followed by a Request for Proposals.