China: COSCO Holds Annual General Meeting


China COSCO Annual General Meeting was held in the morning simultaneously in Beijing and Hong Kong in the form of video conference. The meeting was attended by: Chairman Wei Jiafu, Vice-Chairman Zhang Fusheng, Zhang Liang – the executive director and president, the following directors: Xu Lirong, Sun Yueying; independent directors: Cheng Mo Chi; supervisors: Wu Shuxiong, Ma Jianhua, Luo Jiulian; independent supervisors: Meng Yan; Vice-President Sun Jiakang, Vice-President Xu Minjie,Vice-President Ye Weilong, He Jiale – the CFO, Zhang Yongjian – board secretary, a total 22 shareholders and authorized representatives of shareholders also attended the meeting.

The Annual General Meeting adopted, through ordinary resolution, the following: China COSCO 2010 Board of Directors Report, Supervisory Committee Report, financial report, profit distribution program, renewal of contract with domestic and Hong Kong CPAs, nomination of directors of the 3rd Board Meeting and nomination of supervisors of the 3rd Supervisory Committee. All the proposals were accepted with unanimous approval.


Source: cosco, May 19, 2011; Image: frate-n