Damen to Set Up Caribbean Outpost

Business & Finance

Dutch shipbuilding and ship repair specialist Damen Shipyards and Nederex have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Curaҫao Ports Authority (CPA) to offer ship repair and maritime services on this Caribbean island.

Last year CPA and Nederex signed a concession agreement with regard to the activities of Nederex within the St. Anna Bay, from an area which is managed by CPA.

Damen will offer its ship repair and marine services from Curacao and will work together with Nederex to exploit the concession granted by CPA to Nederex.

“It is our intention to have our own floating dock for maintenance and repairs for Damen customers here in the region,” Jaap de Lange, Damen Services Director, said.

“We hope to be ready for our first customer at the end of this year or early 2016.”

Albert Zwueste, the COO of CPA, said that a working group is already in place to work out the technical aspects, including obtaining the necessary permits for the activities surrounding this project.

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