Det norske: Atla Produces Better Than Expected (Norway)

Det norske Atla Produces Better Than Expected (Norway)

Atla continues to produce better than expected. In December, Det norske’s 10 percent interest in the field, gave a production of 2,278 barrels of oil equivalents per day. Before production start-up at Atla, it was expected that the field would give Det norske a production of approximately 1,400 barrels of oil per day.

Production started at Atla 7 October 2012, merely two years after the discovery was made. Atla is produced with a subsea installation connected to a pipeline between the Heimdal and Skirne fields. Production from Jette, Det norskes first operated field, will start in March 2013. Jette is expected to give Det norske an additional production of between 7,700 and 8,700 barrels of oil equivalents per day.

Atla stats

In December 2012 Det norske had four fields in production, Glitne (10 percent), Atla (10 percent), Jotun (7 percent) and Varg (5 percent). Enoch is still out of production due to trouble with the PMV (Production Master Valve) and PWV (Production Wing Valve). Det norske is expecting Enoch to be back in production in 2013/2014.

Det norskes total production in December 2012 was 2,916 barrels of oil equivalents per day.

Press Release, January 09, 2013