Det Norske Veritas Certifies Ballstad Slip for More Demanding Tasks (Norway)

Business & Finance

Det Norske Veritas Certifies Ballstad Slip for More Demanding Tasks (Norway)

Ballstad Slip AS has been certified by Det Norske Veritas, enabling the company to take on more demanding tasks, including oil and gas related assignments. This represents a milestone for both the company and the shipbuilding industry in Northern Norway.

The certification of Ballstad Slip is carried out in close cooperation with Det norske oljeselskap, Arcos Consultancy and Verftsringen Nord-Norge.

Roger Abrahamsen, general manager of Ballstad Slip, says the event is of great importance for the company.

We have documented our ability to accommodate clients in a good manner, and in accordance to the established requirements. I believe it will have a tremendous effect in getting new assignments, as well as strengthen our business in terms of scope and domain. We wish to assure the quality of our processes, enabling us to deliver good quality products and meet our customers request in a best possible manner. We now consider a strengthening in capacity. An ambulatory quality system will be of great support should we decide to expand. Furthermore we find the oil industry interesting, leaving us no choice as good quality systems are required. Also, I do believe that high-quality workmanship pays off.


For quite some time, Det norske has worked intently to raise the competence in North Norwegian industry. The goal is to prepare greater parts of industry for the increased oil and gas activity that is to come. Over the next 15 years, investments in Northern Norway are likely to pass the NOK 100 billion mark. Det norske cooperates with Verftsringen Nord-Norge on a program for qualification and certification. This also includes financial support for apprenticeships and activities directed towards schools, higher education and research.

Bjarne Kristoffersen leads this effort from Det norske’s office in Harstad, with Arcos as a close adviser.

We know that oil and gas activities in Northern Norway will ramp up in the coming years. Det norske shall play a significant role in this. Our goal is for these investments to create substantial ripple effects locally. If we are to succeed, we need to raise competence and make sure that the local enterprises meet the oil industry’s requirements. We are proud of Ballstad Slip’s accomplishment and will continue our support, enabling other companies to achieve the same.

Source: Det Norske, May 30, 2012