Dolphin’s Acquisition of Møre Tampen Survey Underway

Operations & Maintenance

Dolphin Geophysical is currently acquiring 4192km² of new Multi-Client 3D SHarp Broadband seismic in the northernmost region of the Norwegian North Sea.

The survey targets both open and newly awarded APA acreage. Current acquisition progress stands at 40%, Dolphin informed.

The Polar Duchess is utilising 12 Streamers with 75m separation and 6750m offsets to acquire this large Multi-Client survey during July and August 2015. Dolphin’s on board processing team are working to deliver a Fast-Track volume to pre-committing clients before October 2015, Dolphin wrote in a press release.

From the examination of existing vintage data it was apparent that 3D Broadband coverage is required to map and evaluate the potential existence of interesting stratigraphic features such as Cretaceous and younger Cenezoic submarine fan deposits. The survey lies adjacent to the shallow 2005 Peon gas discovery and will cover 3 minor discoveries and 6 wells in total, including discovery wells 35/3-2, 6204/10-1 and 6204/11-1.

Full PSTM processing will be carried out at Dolphin’s UK processing centre and pre-committing clients will participate throughout the entire processing phase.