Dragon LNG books Qatari cargo

Dragon LNG books Qatari cargo

Dragon LNG books Qatari cargo
Image courtesy of Dragon LNG

The UK’s Dragon LNG terminal is scheduled to receive another cargo of liquefied natural gas from Qatar.

Image courtesy of Dragon LNG

According to shipping data, the 210,000 cbm Q-Flex LNG carrier Al Bahiya set off from Qatar’s Ras Laffan port and is scheduled to dock at the Dragon LNG terminal’s jetty on June 8.

The terminal at Waterston, Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire, is owned by Shell (50 percent) and Petronas (50 percent).

The facility has a maximum gas send out rate to the NTS of 7.6 billion cubic meters of gas per annum. The terminal can supply up to 10 percent of the UK’s energy needs.

The vessel transporting the cargo was built by the South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to Nakilat in 2010.


LNG World News Staff