Duro Felguera wins LNG contract in Chile

Project & Tenders

Duro Felguera said it has been awarded a $175 million contract in Chile by Octopus LNG for the Penco Lirquén liquefied natural gas terminal.

The contract consists of the engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and start-up for an offshore LNG regasification terminal, DF said in a statement on Tuesday.

The terminal will be able to receive, store and regasify LNG and to transfer natural gas to land.

According to the delivery deadline specified in the conditions, the project will have an estimated delivery date in June 2018.

Located in Concepción Bay, the new terminal will be capable of berthing two ships, one of them an FSRU permanently berthed and connected to the terminal, which will store and regasify the LNG and a second transport vessel, which will supply the FSRU ship with LNG.

The regasified gas will be taken on land via a duct partly underwater and partly on land, which will be linked to the existing natural gas network to supply a major part of the industrial and residential sectors in the region. The project’s natural gas capacity will be 15 million cubic metres per day.

Octopus LNG signed an FSRU deal with Oslo-based Höegh LNG earlier this year for a 20 year period with a planned start-up in the second quarter of 2018. Höegh LNG will provide the floating storage and regasification unit from its newbuilding program currently in progress.


LNG World News Staff, Image: Höegh LNG