End in sight for fairway adjustment project in Hamburg


Port of Hamburg, Germany, has just announced that the fairway adjustment of the Elbe River is on its home stretch.

Port of Hamburg / Marc Kindermann

In the final stage this week, the cutter-head suction dredger (CSD) Fernão de Magalhães – owned by Jan De Nul – will do the remaining work on the Elbe river bed.

According to the port, this is the first time that a dredger of this type is operating in Hamburg.

Port officials expect this cutter dredger will stay in the area until the end of September.

“As the ship is used near the shore in the Blankenese area, noise pollution may arise occasionally, but this will be reduced to a minimum,” the port said in the release.

The entire project between the North Sea and the Port of Hamburg remains on track for completion in 2021.