EU Ratifies Clean Energy Package

Authorities & Government

The European Parliament completed the parliamentary approval of the new Electricity market Regulation and Electricity market Directive as well as of the Regulations on Risk Preparedness and on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

The Governance of the Energy Union Regulation the revised Energy Efficiency Directive, the revised Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive have already entered into force last year.

The new electricity market design rules make the energy market fit for the future and place the consumer at the centre of the clean energy transition. The new rules are designed to empower energy consumers to play an active role in driving the energy transition and to fully benefit from a less centralised, and more digitalised and sustainable energy system.

The new rules enable the active participation of consumers whilst putting in place a strong framework for consumer protection. By allowing electricity to move freely to where it is most needed, society will increasingly benefit from cross-border trade and competition to keep energy costs and prices in check. Capacity subsidies to power plants emitting more than 550gr CO2/kWh will be phased out under the new rules.

The new market design also contributes to the EU’s goal of being the world leader in energy production from renewable energy sources by allowing more flexibility to accommodate an increasing share of renewable energy in the grid. The shift to renewables and increased electrification is crucial to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Following this parliamentary approval, the Council of Ministers of the EU will have to formally approve the texts of the Directive and three Regulations, after which the new laws will be published in the Official Journal of the Union. The Regulations will enter into force immediately (with a date of application of 1 January 2020 for the Electricity Regulation) and the Directive will have to be transposed into national law within 18 months.