EWC Updates on Philippines Pagbilao LNG Project

EWC Updates on Philippines Pagbilao LNG Project

Energy World Corporation (EWC) announced the significant progress on the Pagbilao Hub Terminal site development and its associated 600MW combined cycle power station.

The company announced the completion of the base slab for the 130.000M3 LNG tank with slipform equipment readied for the construction of the tanks walls; progress of the ancillary site formation works and the 2 x 200 MW Siemens SGT6- 5000F gas turbines packed and ready for shipment.

Stewart W. G. Elliott, Chairman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of EWC, said this is a significant step in the construction of the Philippines first LNG receiving terminal and once completed will enable LNG to be distributed throughout the Philippines including Mindanao.

LNG will be available for power generation, industrial use, city gas, transport and vehicle fuel bringing clean energy to the Philippines at an economical price. It will also give an opportunity to reduce the reliance on coal fired power stations in the future.

The gas turbines will be shipped in two consignments from the USA to Pagbilao site. A contract to ship the gas turbines has already been placed and shipment of the first 200MW unit is scheduled towards the end of November 2013 with arrival to site around mid January 2014.

LNG World News Staff, November 05, 2013; Image: EWC