FORCE displays its FAST platform


The Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) has set up a display of its Fundy Advanced Sensor Technology (FAST) platform.

The FAST platform recoverable instrument platform is designed to monitor and characterize the FORCE site.

Using a variety of onboard sensing equipment, the platform will help capture data from the Minas Passage, including:

  • Currents and turbulence
  • Marine life activity
  • Noise levels
  • Seabed stability

The platform is a part of a $6.8 million FAST program that has supported FORCE’s efforts to better understand the Minas Passage.

This includes subsea data collection, subsea data cable installation, shore-based radar and meteorological equipment, as well as platform fabrication, instrumentation, and deployment.

FORCE stated its staff will also be present at Parrsboro Wharf on Monday, August 31, to answer questions regarding the platform.

FORCE is Canada’s lead centre for tidal energy technology research and demonstration, located in the Bay of Fundy, that collaborates with industry, government, and researchers to study the interaction between tidal turbines and the Bay of Fundy environment, providing research, environmental monitoring, and the electrical infrastructure for commercial development.

Image: Darren Pittman/ImagesEastFORCE