Germany: TenneT Gets Approval for Nordergründe Connection

Germany: TenneT Gets Approval for Nordergründe Connection

Since the update of the Energy Act in August 2009, an approval of high-voltage cables for connection of offshore wind farms is required for the implementation of planning procedures. In early 2011, TenneT filed extensive application forms for both the sea and the land route of the Nordergründe grid connection project to the authority of Lower Saxony State, which is in charge of roads and transportation (subways).

A planning process provides for full participation of the public, landowners and land users, cable operators as well as counties and municipalities. The comments and objections received regarding the land route of the network connection Nordergründe were discussed at a public hearing with the parties and the arguments from both sides were considered. Thus the network connection from the substation project Nordergründe Inhausen at sea is approved.

The decision includes the management of offshore wind park landing point of sea route at Hooksiel Inhausen to the transformer station.

The approval is given by the Lower Saxony State Agency for Road and Transport (subways) after prior notice to the participating cities and towns in the procedure designed to be available for public consultation.

Thus the initial work begins on schedule in August 2012. The owners and tenants are informed on time about both the early preparatory work, such as surveying, as well as the actual construction work later on.

The Nordergründe offshore wind farm is to be connected by a single-phase AC technology due to its proximity to the coast and because of the relatively low power of 111 MW. The 32-kilometer route will be leading from the grid connection point, the substation Inhausen, four kilometres through the coast by land and another 28 kilometers under water to the wind farm.


Offshore WIND staff, July 9, 2012; Image: EnergieKontor