Rotech Subsea appoints sales executive

Company News – August 1, 2008

Mass-flow excavation (MFE) specialist Rotech Subsea has appointed Sales Executive Brian Schacht to concentrate on new and expanding markets throughout the Gulf of Mexico and Latin America.

The company, which operates a unique and patented range of ‘T’ tools, has mainly been involved in decommissioning works in the Gulf of Mexico for the past three years.

His first task when he joined Rotech Subsea’s Houston office was to spend three months researching the decommissioning markets in Gulf states including Alabama, Florida and Louisiana. He has also been researching the untapped markets of Latin American countries such as Columbia, Chile and Venezuela.

Schacht, 25, said: “There is such a massive potential for our tool in areas outwith where we have currently been working. It has been my task so far to figure out where that is, what the work is and how we can get ourselves known there. The hurricanes of 2005 and 2006 wreaked absolute havoc across oil installations throughout the Gulf of Mexico and thus far we have mainly only concentrated our services in that region.”

“It is vitally important for us as a company to make ourselves known and available to a diverse market.”

Schacht joined Rotech Subsea after spending two years working in construction equipment rental sales. He graduated with a Political Science degree in May 2005 from Sam Houston State University.