More Eq Guinea joy for PA

Sweden’s PA Resources has participated in new discoveries of oil and gas-condensate on the Diega prospect in Block I offshore Equatorial Guinea.

Operator Noble Energy said approximately 12 meters of net gas-condensate pay was discovered in the primary drilling zone, the geological properties of which correlate to previous discoveries in the region.

A deeper previously untested feature was also discovered and found to contain 9 meters of net gas-condensate pay underlain by 11 meters of net oil pay.

Once the drilling phase is concluded, a testing program will commence. Preliminary analysis suggests that liquid yields from the gas zones are expected to be greater than at the gas-condensate discovery made by Noble Energy on the nearby Block O.

“Our participating interest in Block I in Equatorial Guinea has proved to be very successful. The well at Diega represents the sixth successful well drilled on Block I with no dry holes. On Diega we have also made the second oil discovery on the block,” says Ulrik Jansson, President and CEO at PA Resources AB.

PA Resources has a 6% participating interest in Block I, through its fully owned subsidiary Osbourne Resources.