Antrim waits on Fyne results

Antrim Energy is eagerly anticipating the results of the latest appraisal well 21/28a-10z, which has just been completed on the Fyne Field in the UK Central North Sea.

Results of the well, which is a sidetrack from the 21/28a-10 well, which encountered 32ft net 32 ft of net oil pay, are expected in the next 10 days.

Antrim said the new 21/28a-10z well drilled a net 60ft oil pay in the same reservoir section and log analysis indicates that the sidetrack penetrated a thick section of high quality oil bearing sandstone above the oil water contact.

“The drilling and completion operation on well 21/28a-10z has been successfully concluded with a gravel pack and screen over the oil pay section in the Tay reservoir,” said Stephen Greer, President and CEO.

“This operation was completed on schedule and below budget. We now anticipate a testing period of between five and 10 days.”

The Fyne Field is on trend with several other Tay Fields in the area, including the West Guillemot, Pict and Saxon developments.

Fyne is situated approximately 20km from existing infrastructure, which provides production services for several fields in the area.