Offshore Energy 2009: The Dutch Offshore and Energy Business Event and Exhibition

On Thursday the 8th of October 2009 the second edition of Offshore Energy will be held at the Old Navy Yard Willemsoord in Den Helder, The Netherlands. The exhibition, which focuses on the (inter)national offshore, dredging and energy market, is the first of its kind in The Netherlands. With a defined and targeted visitors’ profile existing of decision makers in the offshore, oil & gas, dredging and (wind)energy industries, directors, purchase managers, project managers and engineers of oil companies, subcontractors, offshore services, operators and students in their final year of offshore technology.

This second edition there will be more exhibition space available. More than 100 exhibitors are expected. The exhibition floor has increased and more attention will be paid to the network possibilities that a business-to-business event logically brings along.

The first edition of Offshore Energy took place in November 2008 in the Offshore Capital of the Netherlands, Den Helder. The interest for the exhibition was magnificent. With a total of 1765 registrated visitors and more than 70 exhibitors, the expectations for the trade fair and seminar were surpassed. The first edition ensured contented exhibitors, enthusiastic visitors and a proud Mayor, aldermen and stakeholders of the Municipality of Den Helder. Reason enough for organizers Navingo BV and Development Company Holland North to turn Offshore Energy into an annual event.

During the trade fair a seminar will take place again. The seminar contains lectures with various subjects such as actual developments in the offshore and energy industries, diverse topics and research in the offshore sector and the investments and technological developments in the field of sustainable energy onshore and offshore.

Network Platform
Considering the future, Offshore Energy 2009 will develop itself more and more as one of the most important Dutch network platforms for the (inter)national offshore industry. This year there will be more attention for the dredging industry as offshore and dredging are closely related. On the exhibition floor as well as during the closing social drink representatives of organisations and companies active in these industries have the opportunity to do business and to expand their relation network.

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