IMO Organizes Public Consultation on Reducing Administrative Requirements

IMO Organizes Public Consultation on Reducing Administrative Requirements-

Until 31 October 2013, the IMO will carry out an internet-based public consultation on the experience of administrative tasks in the maritime industry. The purpose is to reduce requirements that are unnecessary, disproportionate or obsolete.

International regulation is of great importance to the administrative tasks to be lifted by the maritime industry. In 2011, the Danish Maritime Authority carried out a major study among Danish surveys. It showed, inter alia, that the seafarers feel that they spend 20 per cent of their working hours on administrative burdens originating from international requirements.

Now, the IMO has launched a study of what requirements in the international conventions and IMO regulations that the maritime industry experience as unnecessary, disproportionate or obsolete. The intention is to find a sound balance between the resources spent on administrative tasks and those spent creating safety on board the ships and protecting the environment.

Voice your opinion

The IMO questionnaire is available from the IMO webpage as is practical information and guidance about what to do. The questionnaire is to be filled in and returned electronically. The questionnaire, information and guidance are in English.

The public consultation is open to anyone working with international regulations in the maritime field, and everybody is urged to voice their opinion. The greater the number of respondents, the greater the ultimate relevance of the recommendations.


When the public consultation has been finalised, the results will be analysed, and recommendations will be made to the IMO on how to alleviate the administrative burdens identified. Denmark takes part in this work.

Here is the page with the questionnaire, information and guidelines.

Danish Maritime Authority, May 21, 2013