Browse and Canning Basins map

Inpex eyes 2D seismic in Browse and Canning Basins

Business Developments & Projects

Inpex plans to carry out a 2D seismic survey of two exploration permits in the Browse and Canning Basins offshore Western Australia.

Courtesy; NOPSEMA

The survey includes exploration permits WA-532-P and WA-533-P in the Browse and Offshore Canning Basins.

The 2D seismic survey will also include the acquisition of seismic data in production licence WA-50-L, also within the Browse Basin.

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At the closest point, the survey activity will take place over 87 kilometres west of Broome and 42 kilometres offshore from the Dampier Peninsula.

Seismic data acquisition will mainly take place in water depths between approximately 50 metres and 600 metres below mean sea level.

However, some seismic data acquisition may occur in shallower areas located at Lynher Bank in the southern part of WA-532-P where the shallowest water depth is approximately 30 metres, and east of WA-533-P where the shallowest water depth is approximately 37 metres.

A seismic vessel will undertake the survey towing an underwater seismic source and a single streamer behind it at water depths of approximately 5-10 metres.

Browse and Canning Basins map
Courtesy; NOPSEMA

Based on the environmental risk assessments presented in the environment plan, an acceptable window of opportunity was determined to be from 1 November to 31 May in any calendar year that the the applies.

In the event that seismic acquisition is unable to commence on 1 November 2021 due to prolonged COVID-19 restrictions, further provision to commence the activity in November 2022 or November 2023.

The duration of the survey activity will comprise approximately 140 days of seismic data acquisition.

The survey may occur over a longer period, and so the survey vessel may be present in the operational area for up to 210 days, Australia’s National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) noted.