Japan: DSME Makes Donation in Support of Earthquake



In response to the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, DSME has collected 700 million won.

The company launched a donation campaign for Japan after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Japan, unleashing a massive tsunami.

All of DSME’s employees participated in the campaign, through the company and its branch offices, subsiduaries and subcontractors both domestically and foreign to help support the current search and rescue initiatives.

DSME donated these relief funds to the Red Cross to meet the urgent humanitarian needs.

DSME’s CEO & President Sang-Tae Nam said, ‘DSME’s management policy has its background in in corporate social responsibility, in the sense that our company will add support when the international community needs help. We want to help in any way we can and hope our support will result in lives saved and families reunited.’


Source: DSME, April 13, 2011.