JAXPORT to Supplying Additional Local Investment for North Florida Project (USA)

Business & Finance

JAXPORT to Supplying Additional Local Investment for North Florida Project

JAXPORT’s Board of Directors today made a decision that will positively impact the future of North Florida for decades to come.

 “The members unanimously authorized me to inform the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that JAXPORT will pursue a harbor deep enough to remain competitive by supplying additional local investment for the project.

 I will be sending a letter to Corps leadership in Washington, D.C. today requesting a project to take our channel to a depth of no less than 47 feet. Our request and supporting data will now be added to the final phases of their study.

 We all know that there is incredible opportunity just over the horizon for North Florida and the ability to be the first or last port of call for the larger cargo vessels fully loaded means jobs and positive growth for the private sector in our region. We must remain visionary and strategic in order to fulfill our promise to maximize the use of the public assets under our management.

 I know you will join me in marking this day as a milestone in the port’s history. While there are challenges ahead, I am confident that we will reach our goals”, says port’s CEO Roy Schleicher.


Jaxport, February 26, 2013