Jumbo Shipping Transports Bogie Support Structure to South Korea

Business & Finance

Jumbo Shipping Delivers Bogie Support Structure to South Korea

On the 20th of February 2013, the Jumbo Fairpartner successfully completed the transport of an 816t Bogie Support Structure. The Structure was loaded in the Gul Basin of Singapore early February and discharged in Ulsan, South-Korea, where it will be integrated in a new building vessel.

The diameter of the Bogie Support Structure was close to the width of the vessel. This, in combination with a structure height of 15+ meters and a weight of 816t, made the Fairpartner close to her lifting limits during loading and discharging.

The departure draft of the Fairpartner was restricted due to shallow parts in the Gul Basin. Jumbo arranged a water depth survey of the Gul Basin, in order to minimize the risk of grounding during departure of Fairpartner. On the 9th of February, during high water, the Fairpartner safely departed Singapore for her voyage to Ulsan, South Korea.


Jumbo Shipping, February 26, 2013