KR approves HHI’s LNG-fueled large LCO2 carrier design

Certification & Classification

South Korean classification society Korean Register (KR) has issued approval in principle (AiP) to compatriot shipbuilding company Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) for the concept design of a 40,000 cbm liquefied carbon dioxide (LCO2) carrier running on liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Illustration only (Archive). Courtesy of KSOE

As informed, KR and HHI conducted a joint development project (JDP) to develop the vessel overcoming technical challenges in designing LCO2 carriers, such as enlarging the size of the C-Type cargo tank to meet the market need to transfer a larger amount of CO2 to storage facilities.

Under the project, HHI carried out the basic and structural design of the 40,000 cbm LCO2 carrier, while KR verified the safety and conformity of the design by reviewing the class rules and international conventions.

The resulting concept design has now been awarded approval in principle by the classification society.

One of the main aims of the project was to explore the economic feasibility of large pressure-type CO2 storage tanks.

To increase the size of the CO2 storage tanks, special materials with low-temperature and high-tensile need to be used instead of ordinary steel, which makes it challenging to control the thickness and weight of the tanks, KR explained.

Furthermore, an LNG fuel propulsion system has been installed, ensuring low-carbon emissions during the carrier’s operation.

According to the classification society, the safety of the carrier’s cargo hold, cargo tank and supporting structure has been verified and approved using KR’s SeaTrust-HullScan software solution which was developed in-house.

A KR official said that the approval is a significant achievement as it brings the commercialisation of large LCO2 carrier technology even closer.

HHI is also a part of the recently unveiled groundbreaking project together with classification society ABS and maritime registry Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator, which aims to develop a next-generation ultra-large LCO2 carrier.

The 74,000 cbm design – presently the world’s largest LCO2 capacity – builds on the 40,000 cbm “super gap” technology developed in 2021 by HHI – which includes Hyundai Glovis, G-Marine service, and Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE).

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