Liuhua-29-2 umbilical loaded into CNOOC vessel

Liuhua 29-2 umbilical all set for installation

Business Developments & Projects

The Liuhua 29-2 deep-sea SPS umbilical is ready for installation, following the recent delivery by Ningbo Orient Cable (NBO).

Courtesy: NBO

The umbilical system has been loaded into China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) HYSY 285 vessel.

This is the first deep-water static umbilical project (800 meters water depth, 9 super duplex SS tubes) which realise the production localisation in China after the 23-kilometre gas field static umbilical project (200m water depth, 9 super duplex SS tubes) in 2018 delivered by NBO.

Liuhua 29-2 is located in the South China Sea, with an average water depth around 800 metres. It is also the third deep-water offshore platform development for CNOOC.

Specifically, NBO delivered 15.8 kilometres of umbilical for the project.

After completion, the project could serve the gas use of 10 million families yearly, helping to reduce carbon footprint.

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