Minesto verifies commercial performance of Dragon Class tidal power plant

Business Developments & Projects

Swedish tidal energy company Minesto has informed that the commissioning results of its Dragon Class tidal power plant in Faroe Islands have verified commercial performance and are fully in line with simulation results.

Offshore testing of Minesto’s Dragon Class scale model (Courtesy of Minesto)
Offshore testing of Minesto’s Dragon Class scale model (Courtesy of Minesto)
Offshore testing of Minesto’s Dragon Class scale model (Courtesy of Minesto)

In early summer, Minesto has, according to plan, commissioned the first 100kW unit of tidal power plant ‘Dragon 4’ in grid-connected operation in Vestmannasund in Faroe Islands.

The first phase of electricity generation shows that predicted performance is achieved in line with Minesto’s previous forecasts and simulation results, according to the company.

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Bernt Erik Westre, CTO of Minesto, said. “We are very pleased to have completed the commissioning of Dragon 4 and that the electricity generation is fully in line with our predictions. We are now moving into operational mode and continuing to implement planned upgrades in parallel.”

Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto, added: “The results from electricity generation in Vestmanna in the recent weeks are of great value to Minesto in two ways – we are demonstrating the product Dragon 4 (100 kW), and have also secured the new Dragon class design for the larger 1.2 MW power plant, Dragon 12, that is being manufactured.”

According to Minesto, the progression in Vestmanna creates positive effects for the coming scale-up, and the work of realizing the first full-scale tidal energy array in Hestfjord, Faroe Islands, is proceeding according to plan.

“There is a great deal of interest in Minesto’s grid-connected installation in the Faroe Islands and we now welcome a number of global industry stakeholders to visit the facility,” added Edlund.

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