New Zealand: Svitzer Removes More Containers from Rena

New Zealand - Svitzer Removes More Containers from Rena

It has been reported that 9 more containers have been removed from the Rena since yesterday. So far, Svitzer has removed 252 containers.

Repositioning of the crane barge Smit Borneo on the starboard side of Rena is planned for this morning and the container removal from the starboard side is expected to recommence this afternoon.

Yesterday, a container recovery team went to Mōtītī Island and removed 4-5 skips of debris from the beach. Container debris, spotted five nautical miles north of Whangamata, was retrieved.

An oil sheen seen yesterday west of Mōtītī was not visible this morning. A narrow band of metallic rainbow sheen is visible north-west of Rena.

Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Teams will direct their efforts towards Pāpāmoa today. Rock washing continues on Mauāo and hand cleaning at Matakana. Oiled debris was detected at Kaituna by the river mouth yesterday.


World Maritime News Staff, December 21, 2011; Image: Maritime NZ