Nigeria LNG Refutes Involvement in Badagry Dry Dock Project

Business & Finance

Nigeria LNG Limited has denied its involvement in the proposed USD 1.5 billion Badagry Dry Dock Project after several media reports identified the company as the owner of the project.

Nigeria LNG said that the company is not the owner and is not investing in the building of any dry dock anywhere in the world, as it has a singular business focus, namely processing and exporting LNG.

The owner of the proposed dry dock in Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria, is a consortium of other Nigerian companies under the name of Badagry Ship Repair and Maritime Engineering Company (BSMEC), according to Nigeria LNG.

”NLNG’s only interest was and still remains, encouraging investors to consider building dry docks in the country to save the nation’s foreign exchange and save local ship owners, like ourselves, the trouble of having to go overseas for dry dock services,” the company said in a statement.

‘Nigeria LNG would thus be pleased to see more dry dock projects emerge in different parts of the country, but will not be investing in any. It is thus fair to add that not being an investor in dry dock, NLNG cannot dictate to investors where to site their projects.”

Badagry Dry Dock will be the first facility of this kind able to receive large vessels in the region of West Africa. Currently, owners of large vessels in the region have to dry dock their vessels in Europe, Asia and North America.

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