Ninth “Blue Corridor” rally hits the road

The ninth rally of natural gas fuelled cars “Blue Corridor-2015” organized by Gazprom Export and E.On hit the road on May 24th from St. Petersburg. 

On May 26th the round table discussion on prospects for natural gas use in transportation hosted by Gazprom Gas-Engine Fuel and Beltransgaz will take place in Minsk, Gazprom Export said in a statement.

By the beginning of June rally participants will arrive to Paris where within the frameworks of the World Gas Congress the crews will carry out discussion panels on perspectives of gas as a motor fuel. The cars will be showcased at the exhibition pavilion.

The total length of the route including the way back is 6800 km. The crews will drive along the roads of Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Latvia and Lithuania.

The interest in gas as a motor fuel has been currently growing in many European countries. The history of ‘Blue Corridor’ rally proves that natural gas in either compressed or liquefied form could be used in an any mode of transport: from small city-cars to long-haul trucks; from port loaders to passenger ferries. This is cheap, environmentally-friendly and safe,” said Andre Schumann, the rally coordinator on behalf of E.On.

CNG price in Europe is approximately 1 euro per 1 kg, in Russia it has to be paid 0.3 euro for the same amount of gas. Petrol and diesel prices in Europe are at least 1.2 times higher than those of CNG. In such countries as Italy and Norway the price gap may be higher by 1.7-1.9 times. Moreover using the same amount of fuel, natural gas driven car covers a longer distance than the one that uses petrol or diesel.

“Blue Corridor” rally was initially organized by Gazprom Group in 2008. Starting from 2010, when a number of European gas market participants joined the project, it has significantly expanded internationally, according to the statement.


Image: Blue Corridor