No commercial hydrocarbons for TotalEnergies in Suriname well

No commercial hydrocarbons for TotalEnergies in Suriname well

Exploration & Production

French energy giant TotalEnergies and its partner, APA Corporation, have completed the drilling of an exploration well in Block 58 offshore Suriname. The well did not yield commercial hydrocarbon volumes.

Noble Valiant drillship; Source: Noble Corp

TotalEnergies is the operator of Block 58 with a 50 per cent working interest, while APA is its partner and holds the remaining 50 per cent stake in this block.

Back in August 2022, APA disclosed that the Noble Gerry de Souza drillship was expected to mobilise to Block 58, where it would drill the Awari exploration prospect, approximately 27 kilometres (north) of the Maka Central discovery.

In an update on Monday, APA Corporation revealed that drilling operations were completed at the Awari exploration prospect – located in the previously “untested” northwest portion of Block 58 – and the well was deemed noncommercial.

Flow test on the horizon for another well on Block 58

After the work on the Dikkop exploration well in Block 58 was concluded a few months ago, the Maersk Valiant (now called Noble Valiant) drillship was scheduled to move to the Sapakara field to drill a second appraisal well at Sapakara South, where the joint venture conducted a successful flow test late last year.

In light of this, APA confirmed in its latest update that the joint venture would start flow test operations at the Sapakara South-2 (SPS-2) appraisal well, following drilling to the targeted Maastrichtian-Campanian formation. This well is located approximately 4.6 kilometres south of the Sapakara South-1 well. The company expects the results to be available next month.

The 2013-built Noble Valiant is a high-specification 7th-generation drillship with integrated managed pressure drilling capability. The drillship has been operating for TotalEnergies offshore Suriname since March 2021.