
Norsepower rotor sail tech wins RINA AiP

Certification & Classification

Finnish cleantech company Norsepower has been granted approval in principle for its rotor sail technology solution from classification society RINA.

Photo: Norsepower

The Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution is a modernised version of the Flettner rotor – a spinning cylinder that uses the Magnus effect to harness wind energy to propel a ship, allowing the main engine to be throttled back to improve fuel efficiency and to obtain a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, without compromising the service speed.

Norsepower claims to be the first company in the world to implement hundred-year-old sailing principles in a commercially viable modern product to support green shipping.

There is a growth of interest in the shipping industry for this technology and according to Norsepower, the current savings that can be achieved with rotor sail installation range between 5-25%.

From a regulatory perspective, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) introduced GHG emission targets for 2030 and 2050 which need tangible and proven solutions to make this a reality. While shipping companies are coming under more scrutiny from financiers, charterers and shippers to embrace greater environmental and social governance, class societies are looking for achievable solutions which will help the industry achieve these targets.

“Our technology has over 140,000 hours of operation and saved over 9600 tonnes of CO2 emissions, proven by independent verification parties on vessel trials,” Tuomas Riski, CEO, Norsepower Oy Ltd said.

“Achieving approval in principle from RINA takes us one step closer to improving awareness of the … savings rotor sails can deliver, standardising the use of Norsepower’s Rotor Sails in shipping’s decarbonisation strategy as well as demonstrating the ever growing importance of investment in clean technologies to meet regulatory compliance.”

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“The IMO has identified the role of rotor sails as a technology able to benefit the main engine power under certain conditions and we are pleased by the results declared by Norsepower’s Rotor Sails in the levels of savings which could be achieved,” Giuseppe Zagaria, Technical Director, RINA commented.

“Wind propulsion is a freely available resource which is making large cargo and passenger vessels cleaner and more cost effective and we look forward to working with more technology providers to support shipowners in making vessels cleaner and greener.”

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