Norway: Deep Sea Mooring Selected Supplier and Awarded Mooring Frame Agreement by Statoil

Business & Finance

Deep Sea Mooring AS, part of the Odfjell Well Services group (OWS), has been awarded a three year frame agreement with Statoil Petroleum AS for mooring services covering the Norwegian sector.

The contract award to DSM will support Statoil’s rig fleet with mooring services for the next three years with an option to extend it a further two times one years.

The value of the contract is estimated by DSM to be worth between MNOK 300 and MNOK 500 over the three first years.

“Deep Sea Mooring and the Odfjell Well Services group are very pleased to have been awarded this contract from Statoil. This contract establishes Deep Sea Mooring AS as one of the leading suppliers of mooring services on the Norwegian continental shelf. We look forward to supplying Statoil with our new and high quality mooring equipment.”, says Executive Vice President in OWS Mr. Øyvind Rohn.

About Deep Sea Mooring:

Deep Sea Mooring (DSM) was established in 2008. After an extensive investment program DSM has acquired a wide range of new and high quality mooring equipment manufactured to the latest stringent authority specifications. The Norwegian rig fleet is served from the two bases located at Mongstad outside Bergen and Vestbase outside Kristiansund.

About Odfjell Well Services:

Odfjell Well Services (OWS) provides the oil and gas industry with a wide range of well services with a focus on zero faults and continuous improvement. OWS was established in 1982 and has over the years grown to become a market leading supplier within selected well services. The service range comprises drill tool rental, tubular rental, casing/tubing running services and mooring services.


Source: odfjelldrilling, September 13, 2010;