Norway: EMGS Launches EDDA, a Joint Industry 3D EM Project

Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) announces that it has received industry funding for a joint project to accelerate the use of 3D EM data in exploration and production. The EDDA project involves acquiring state-of-the-art 3D EM data over known fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Data acquisition over the Linerle and Valkyrie fields has already started using EMGS’s mobile acquisition set deployed on the vessel Siem Mollie. The vessel will subsequently acquire data over the Snøhvit field, and it is expected that this survey will be completed by the end of September.

Roar Bekker, EMGS chief executive officer, commented:

“EMGS has, over the last three years, developed new-generation 3D EM technology. This has triggered customer demand for high-quality, open 3D EM datasets that can be used to calibrate and integrate other geophysical data from well-documented fields.

“Data from this campaign will enable participating customers to develop the use of 3D EM data in various scenarios, from early exploration to improved oil recovery. It is, therefore, an important step in enhancing commercial adoption of our 3D EM technology. We are delighted that this project has generated considerable industry interest.”


Source: Emgs, September 3, 2010,