Offshore drilling contractor taps Scana company for deep-water riser system

Offshore drilling contractor taps Scana company for deep-water riser system

Business Developments & Projects

Scana-owned PSW Technology has signed an agreement with offshore drilling contractor Northern Ocean Operations for the sale of a complete marine riser system for ultra-deep-water operations.

PSW Technology

The contract includes project management, inspection, repair and logistics of the marine riser system.

Work starts immediately and equipment and services will be delivered from PSW’s facilities at Mongstad.

The company did not reveal any other details about the agreement but did state that it is a “substantial” contract, meaning it is over NOK 50 million (around €4.8 million).

“Together with PSW and its manager, Northern Ocean will be able to deploy one of the world’s most advanced drilling units into an emerging ultra-deep-water drilling market,” said Scott McReaken, CEO of the Northern Ocean group.

“We continue to leverage our strong, collaborative relationships with companies who are solution-oriented and allow us to deliver safe performance on our rigs.”

Earlier this month, Northern Ocean announced it had been awarded a contract for one of its semi-submersible drilling rigs for multi-country operations by the French oil major TotalEnergies.

Under the contract set to start in the second quarter of 2023, the Deepsea Mira rig will work outside of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) on a multi-country drilling program, initially starting in West Africa.