Offshore for Sure to uphold innovative renewables’ place in the energy system

Business Developments & Projects

Fifteen partners from Flanders and the Netherlands have come together to pool their expertise and test five promising energy solutions and enhance their applicability in the energy system as part of the Offshore for Sure project.

Illustration (Courtesy of Offshore for Sure project)

Led by Bluespring and supported by the Interreg Flanders-Netherlands program for 2021-2027, the project’s objective is to accelerate the energy transition at sea and drive the sustainable blue economy through collaboration with knowledge institutions, regional, and societal organizations.

During the three-year duration of the Offshore for Sure initiative, five demonstration projects will be launched involving innovative solutions from tidal energy, wave energy, offshore floating solar, and energy storage sectors.

The companies that will demonstrate and further advance their technologies include Tocardo, Water2Energy, Dutch Wave Power, Oceans of Energy, and FLASC.

The project partners will invest more than €10 million in the Flemish-Dutch border region, bolstered by the European Interreg program and co-financiers.

According to the consortium, these offshore energy solutions will contribute to a smarter, greener, and more co-operative Europe.

Aside from Bluespring, the technology developers will be able leverage the knowledge and expertise of other partners including World Class Maintenance, International Marine, Dredging Consultants, Ecopower, Rijkswaterstaat, Parkwind, Ghent University, HOWEST, Deftiq, and the Zeeland Environmental Federation.

“Activities in the project have strong ties to the regions where they are conducted and have both local and international impact. Therefore, we are developing various services to maximize the gained experience and apply it internationally,” the project partners said.

In addition, the project will also take into account and advance policy and public engagement, education, and certification, while at the same time offering sustainable perspective for these clean energy technologies.

“The yield of our offshore energy transition is assessed by three types of end users: governments, project developers, and citizen cooperatives. Through their approval of our business cases, we attract further investments for both technology and projects. This should lead to bankable projects for the future, contributing to economic growth in the region and creating new jobs in the sustainable blue economy,” according to the Offshore for Sure partnership.

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