Oldendorff Carriers Takes Delivery of Eco Ship Quintet

Business & Finance

Germany-based dry bulk carrier owner and operator Oldendorff Carriers started 2019 with the delivery of five new eco ships, four of which were delivered on the same day.

Image Courtesy: Oldendorff

The ships in question are Jan Oldendorff, John Oldendorff, Julius Oldendorff, Midland Trader and Kai Oldendorff.

With the new fuel-efficient ships, the company expects to reduce fuel consumption for transporting cargo and consequently reduce its carbon footprint.

The 61,000 dwt bulkers, Jan Oldendorff, John Oldendorff and Julius Oldendorff, were handed over to its owner by China’s Nantong Cosco KHI Ship Engineering (NACKS) shipyard. The three Ultramaxes have a length of around 200 meters and a width of 32 meters. Equipped with 4 x 30 tons cranes, the ships are fitted with a fuel-efficient main engine and fuel saving devices.

As informed, John Oldendorff and Julius Oldendorff entered into long-term charters upon their delivery, while Jan Oldendorff will service contract of affreightment and spot market cargoes.

In addition, Midland Trader, previously named Christiane Oldendorff, was delivered by the Samjin Shipyard in Weihai, China. The 35,762 dwt Handysize vessel has a length of 180 meters and a beam of 30 meters. It has a fuel-efficient main engine and is fitted with an energy saving duct. The Midland Trader was delivered for long-term employment with an international trading house.

Moreover, the 81,242 dwt Kai Oldendorff was delivered by Hantong shipyard in Hantong, China. This Kamsarmax vessel has a length of 229 metres and a beam of 32.26 meters and has a fuel-efficient main engine and Yanmar auxiliaries. Next year, it will be retrofitted with a scrubber to comply with IMO 2020 regulations, as informed by the company.

Having sold most of its older vessels, the Oldendorff Carriers’ owned and bareboat chartered fleet of 111 vessels now has an average age of just 4.78 years.

With its remaining order book of 38 newbuildings including 21 owned, 13 time chartered and 4 bareboat chartered ships, Oldendorff Carriers said it intends to maintain a young and fuel efficient fleet of bulk carriers.