OSIL Modular Vibrocorer for Exploration Electronics

Business & Finance

Ocean Scientific International Ltd. (OSIL) have recently supplied Exploration Electronics with a custom built Vibrocorer system for use in their rental pool.

The purchase of this system by Exploration Electronics, who specialises in the rental and operation of marine seismic systems, adds to the company’s existing rental pool of seabed sampling equipment.

OSIL adapted the vibrocorer system to meet Exploration Electronics’ requirements. The system can be used in dense or compacted sediments in depths of up to 600m.

Paul Fisher, business manager for Exploration Electronics, said: “As a geotechnical and seismic service provider with a 35-year track record and a reputation for providing reliable and high quality equipment, maintaining that reputation across all of our services has been a key objective. To that end we have selected OSIL as our preferred supplier of sediment corers and grabs.

Our most recent addition to our rental pool is the OSIL modular Vibrocorer, we chose this unit in response to customer demand for core samples up to 10m in length, using an easily transportable modular system.

The OSIL modular Vibrocorer fits the bill, exactly.”