Oz virtual marine energy cluster scans for leadership

Business & Finance

The Australian Marine Energy Taskfoce (AMET) is looking for business representatives that would provide guidance for the formation of the country’s virtual marine energy cluster.

Illustration (Photo: Pixabay/Creative Commons CC0)

A range of business representatives, willing to provide strategic leadership to guide formation of a virtual cluster – being established to accelerate the growth of marine energy sector – are being invited to join the new enterprise as member of the governance group consortium.

The aim of the virtual marine energy cluster will be to interconnect businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions willing to assist Australia’s marine energy sector to grow, with the overarching goal to increase the ability of all participating companies to compete nationally and globally, according to AMET.

Formation of the cluster will take place in two phases – the first revolving around the preparation of a comprehensive business plan for the cluster, and the second marking the formation of the non-profit cluster organization and start of the program implementation.

To remind, AMET was launched in 2017 when nine tidal and wave energy companies joined forces to accelerate the commercialization of marine renewable energy technologies in Australia through the establishment of a joined taskforce.

AMET is made up of Atlantis Resources, Bombora Wave Power, BioPower Systems, MAKO Tidal Turbines, Open Hydro, Protean Energy, Tenax Energy, Wave Rider and Wave Swell Energy.