PSA Norway Audits Employee Participation in Transocean’s HSE Management

From 3 March to 21 June 2011, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) audited employee participation in Transocean’s HSE management


In recent years, the PSA has directed special attention at partite cooperation and facilitation for employee participation in the petroleum activities. PSA’s experiences have shown that the players in the Norwegian petroleum activities largely have the formal systems with safety delegate service and working environment committees in place, while the practical implementation of employee participation has otherwise varied considerably.


The purpose of the audit activity was to verify whether at Transocean’s employee participation is practiced in accordance with the regulatory requirements.


During the audit, a clear will to make the cooperation between the parties work emerged.

The company has a functioning working environment committee (AMU) and safety delegate scheme. In addition, procedures and arenas for interaction have been established.

Transocean has several trade union representatives in full-time positions and one coordinating main safety delegate with an at least 50% ad hoc position.

No nonconformities were identified, but potential improvements were identified in connection with:

  • Direct and representative participation
  • Internal routines for employee participation
  • Internal routines for information flow
  • The safety delegates’ duties
  • Safety delegate training
  • Real employee participation in rig upgrade projects/SPS

Source: PTIL, August 15, 2011;