Russia: Yantar Shipyard Launches New Oceanographic Research Vessel

Russia - Yantar Shipyard Launches New Oceanographic Research Vessel

A new Russian oceanographic research vessel pertaining to Project 22010 was launched last week at the Yantar Shipyard in Kaliningrad, Barents Observer reports.

The vessel is designed for research in deep waters and the sea bed, according to the shipyard’s press secretary Mr. Mikhailov. The 107.8 meter- long vessel, developed by the Almaz Design Bureau, will comprise the latest innovative equipment for acoustical, biological, physical and geophysical surveys. It has a displacement of 5,200 tons, a range of 8,000 nautical miles and can accommodate a crew of 60 members. What is more, the vessel’s equipment includes a set of deep-water submersible vehicles which can be used for rescue operations.

The new vessel is named “Yantar” after the shipyard where it was built. The oceanographic research vessel is scheduled for completion in 2013 and it will enter into service in the Northern Fleet in 2014.


World Maritime News Staff, December 12, 2012